Feb 10, 2014

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ဘယ္လို Launcher ေတြပါ၀င္လဲဆိုတာအာက္မွာပံုေတြနဲ႔ျပထားပါတယ္။မိမိႏွစ္သက္ရာ Launcher ကို
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ပါ၀င္ေသာ Launcher မ်ား...
Nova Launcher
Apex Launcher
ADW Launcher Ex
Go Launcher EX
free ADWLauncher
compressed HD Go Launcher (icons only)
Launcher Pro
Smart Launcher
Action Launcher Pro
Atom Launcher
Holo Launcher
Smart Launcher
Unicon only Icon
TSF Shell
ADW Launcher

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★★Anomaly Warzone Earth HD Apk + Data 1.18 Full Version★★

စစ္အက္ရွင္ဂိမ္းေတြကိုကစားရတာၾကိဳက္တဲ့ေဘာ္ေဘာ္ေတြအတြက္ New Update Version ေလးျဖစ္တဲ့
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This time you take control of the attacking force, pitting your heavily armored squad against the destructive towers of an alien horde. Carefully lead your squad through the invaders' defenses, shattering their towers and turrets with special weapons and power-ups in this groundbreaking new experience in tower offense.

Experience a new type of tower defense game where you're the attacking side.
Think tactically and choose the right squad, route, special weapons, and plan to guarantee success in Tower Offense strategy.
Gather resources strategically to buy and upgrade new and more powerful units.
Play for hours on end in engaging modes of play: Story Campaign and Squad Assault modes.
Immerse yourself in the cutting-edge graphics and atmospheric soundtrack.

Install apk.
Extract and copy ''com.elevenbitstudios.AnomalyWarzoneEarthHD'' map into /sdcard/Android/obb/ COPY HERE
It should look like this /sdcard/Android/obb/com.elevenbitstudios.AnomalyWarzoneEarthHD
Launch the game.

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Apk + Data (151Mb)


★★Active Partition Recovery Professional- Enterprise key(Final Version)★★

မိမိကြန္ျပဴတာမွာရွိေနတဲ့ hard disk drive နဲ႔ system partition ေတြကိုအေကာင္းဆံုး recovers လုပ္ေပး
ႏိုင္တဲ့ Final Version ေလးျဖစ္တဲ့ Active Partition Recovery ေဆာ့စ္၀ဲေလးပဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ေဒါင္းေလာစ့္
ဖိုင္ထဲမွာ Professional နဲ႔ Enterprise ဆိုျပီးဖိုင္ 2 ခုထည့္ေပးထားပါတယ္။မိမိၾကိဳက္ရာကိုအင္စေတာလုပ္
ျပီး Full Version ျဖစ္ေစဖို႔အတြက္ Serial key ေလးကိုပါထည့္သြင္းေပးထားပါတယ္။ဘာေတြကို Recovery လုပ္ခ်င္လဲ ? SD/USB အစရွိသည္တို႕ကိုလည္းအသံုးျပဳႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ေနာက္ထပ္ပါ၀င္တဲ့
Features ေတြကိုေအာက္မွာဖတ္ရႈ႕ပါ။ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ကေတာ့ 200Mb ရွိပါတယ္။ဘယ္လိုအင္စေတာလုပ္ရလဲ
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Key Features:
New! Supports exFAT, HFS+, Ext2/Ext3/Ext4
New! Completely redesigned GUI
New! Includes freeware DOS tools & Disk Editor
New! Improved SuperScan algorithms
Large disks are supported (larger than 2TB)
Improved Extended Scan algorithms
Full installation package now includes Bootable Disk Image, Bootable Disk Creator (Enterprise ver.)
Windows PE 3.1 (Based on Windows 7 SP1) - Enterprise ver.
Undelete partitions (Primary and Extended)
Create and restore Raw Disk Image back to HDD
Keep this program on a bootable floppy disk due to its small size
Display complete Physical and Logical Drive information
Restore MBR, Partition Table and Boot Sectors from backup if damaged

• Active@ Boot Disk Creator
• Active@ Disk Editor
• Active@ File Recovery

က်ြန္ေတာ္တင္သမွ်ပိုစ့္ေတြ Facebook ကေနရယူခ်င္တယ္ဆိုရင္  ဒီမွာ Like ႏွိပ္ပါ
မန္ဘာ၀င္ခဲ့ျခင္းျဖင့္ ပိုစ့္အသစ္တင္တိုင္း မိမိ Gmail ထဲကိုတိုက္ရိုက္ေရာက္ရွိမည္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။

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အဆင္ေျပတယ္္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ေၾကာ္ျငာမ်ားကို တစ္ၾကိမ္ေလာက္သာ ကလစ္ခဲ့ပါခင္ဗ်ာ။



★★iOS7 Widgets HD v: 14 Apk (All Android) 8Mb ★★

iOS7 Widgets App ထဲမွာေတာ့ wifi, data, brightness, volume , bluetooth, gps, screen rotation
ႏွင့္  home screen ကအစ iOS7 Style ေတြပါပဲ။ေနာက္ထက္ Clock Widget ,Battery Widget ေတြ
အျပင္ Weather Widgets ေတြလည္းပါ၀င္ပါတယ္။ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ကေတာ့ 8 Mb ပဲရွိပါတယ္။Android : 2.3.3

iOS7 Widgets is a perfect addition to the plethora of iOS7 launcher themes on Google Play!
Make your phone look like an iPhone without losing your home screen widgets!
Awesome iOS7 Widgets includes:
+ iOS7 Style Toggles – Toggle your phone’s wifi, data, brightness, volume , bluetooth, gps, screen rotation settings as well as flashlight right from your home screen.
+ iOS7 Style Battery Widget – Shows your battery percentage and status.
+ iOS7 Style Clock Widget – Tells you what time it is and launches your alarm clock upon tapping it.
+ iOS7 Style Weather Widgets – Shows a 5-day weather forecast for your location or any place you might think of!
+ Weather And Battery Level Notifications – Shows the current temperature or battery level (or both!) right in your task bar.
+ Even More Widgets – iOS7 Widgets come in different sizes and configurations to make your phone iOS7 awesome!
AW iOS7 Widgets is an all-in-one package and not just a skin, you don’t need to download anything else to enjoy this theme. It’s also compatible with all stock or third-party launchers such as Apex, Nova, Go Launcher, etc.

က်ြန္ေတာ္တင္သမွ်ပိုစ့္ေတြ Facebook ကေနရယူခ်င္တယ္ဆိုရင္  ဒီမွာ Like ႏွိပ္ပါ
မန္ဘာ၀င္ခဲ့ျခင္းျဖင့္ ပိုစ့္အသစ္တင္တိုင္း မိမိ Gmail ထဲကိုတိုက္ရိုက္ေရာက္ရွိမည္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။

Thank You For Downloading And Dont Forget to Clicking Once on a Ad Banner.
အဆင္ေျပတယ္္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ေၾကာ္ျငာမ်ားကို (တစ္ေန႔မွ) တစ္ၾကိမ္ေလာက္သာ ကလစ္ခဲ့ပါခင္ဗ်ာ။




★★Adobe Photoshop CS-8.0 full version +Serial key (165Mb)★★

သူငယ္ခ်င္းတို႕အတြက္ Adobe Photoshop CS-8.0 ကိုတင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္။Full Version ေလးပါ။
ဖိုင္ထဲမွာလည္း Key ကိုထည့္သြင္းေပးထားပါတယ္။ဘယ္လိုအင္စေတာလုပ္ရမလဲဆိုတာကိုေဒါင္းေလာ့စ္
ဖိုင္ထဲမွာ How to Use ကိုႏွိပ္ျပီးအရင္ဖတ္ပါ။ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ကေတာ့ 165Mb ရွိပါတယ္။၀င္းဒိုးအားလံုးမွာအသံုး

Adobe Photoshop 8 CS can add text to an image, apply special effects to a picture, view EXIF data, create web graphics, optimize graphics and create and edit layers.
Adobe Photoshop 8 CS is licensed as Shareware for the Windows operating system / platform from graphics editors and can be used as a free trial until the trial period ends (after an unspecified number of days). The Adobe Photoshop 8 CS 8.0 demo is available to all software users as a free download (Shareware) with potential restrictions and is not necessarily the download of the full version.
က်ြန္ေတာ္တင္သမွ်ပိုစ့္ေတြ Facebook ကေနရယူခ်င္တယ္ဆိုရင္  ဒီမွာ Like ႏွိပ္ပါ
မန္ဘာ၀င္ခဲ့ျခင္းျဖင့္ ပိုစ့္အသစ္တင္တိုင္း မိမိ Gmail ထဲကိုတိုက္ရိုက္ေရာက္ရွိမည္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။

Thank You For Downloading And Dont Forget to Clicking Once on a Ad Banner.
အဆင္ေျပတယ္္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ေၾကာ္ျငာမ်ားကို (တစ္ေန႔မွ) တစ္ၾကိမ္ေလာက္သာ ကလစ္ခဲ့ပါခင္ဗ်ာ။



ေဒါင္းေလာ့စ္ဆိုဒ္သို႔ေရာက္လွ်င္ေအာက္ကိုဆင္းသြားျပီး Slowdownload ကိုႏွိပ္ပါ။ျပီးေဒါင္းလင့္ေဘာက္
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Partition မ်ားကို ေပါင္းလုိ႔ ခြဲလို႔ရမယ့္ AOMEI Partition Assistant v5.3.3 full version

Partition မ်ားကို ခြဲခ်င္တယ္ ေပါင္းခ်င္တယ္ဆိုသူမ်ားအတြက္ AOMEI ေနာက္ဆံုး update ေလးပါ။ ဒီေကာင္ေလးမွာ ေပါင္းခ်င္ရင္ Merge Partition ဆိုၿပီ Datasize ကိုေရြးၿပီ ေပါင္းမယ့္ drive ေရြးေပးလို္က္ပါ။ Split လုပ္ခ်င္ရင္ Split Partition ဆိုၿပီး ခြဲေပးလို္က္ရံုပါပဲ။
crack folder ထဲက cfg.ini ဆိုတဲ့ ဖိုင္ေလးကို installation ဖိုဒါထဲကို ထည့္ေပးလို္က္ပါ။ full version အျဖစ္သံုးႏိုင္ပါၿပီ။

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ရွားေလာ့ဟုမ္း (ေဆာ့၀ဲလ္ၿမိဳ႕ေတာ္)
